Some days are “so so”, some days are average, and some days are amazing. Summer is not my favorite time of year to photograph birds at the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, but July 14, 2016 was an amazing day. This photo of a feeding Snowy Egret was just one of many fine images from the morning. He stabbed at his prey and it came out of the water but not in his beak.
Category Archives: General
Favorite Photo Places: Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Located on the east side of San Francisco Bay near Fremont, California, the Don Edwards San Fransisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge is one of my favorite places to go when I am in the Bay Area.
RGB vs Luminance Histograms – How To Use Them
If your camera offers both RGB and luminance histograms, choose RGB. An RGB histogram is one of your most valuable exposure tools. A luminance histogram can lead to bad exposures and poor colors.
Your Camera Loves “Middle Gray” – And Why That is Important
Your camera is in love with middle gray. The quicker you learn how to deal with this infatuation, the better your photos will look, including all of your color photos.
Links to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Classic Speeches at YouTube
The video quality of some of these links is iffy.
I Have a Dream – short version with still photos
I have a Dream – short version with video
MARTIN LUTHER KING – “I have a dream” – closing text
Martin Luther King Jr.
Today is Martin Luther King Day in the United States. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born January 15, 1929. He was a Baptist minister and a prominent civil rights advocate. King was the youngest person to receive a Nobel Peace Prize when it awarded to him in 1964. He was assassinated April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee.
One of his most famous speeches was delivered at the Lincoln Memorial August 28, 1963. Often referred to as the “I have a dream” speech, it is one of the most significant and powerful speeches of the 20th century. A portion of the speech follows. Links to the full speech and an audio file are at the end of this post.
Metering People in the Snow
The white snow in a winter scene can and often does fool a camera meter into underexposing a portrait, so here are the steps to take to get the right exposure. I throw in a few portrait suggestions too.
Metering Daytime Winter Scenes
Metering for scenes with a lot of snow can be tricky since the bright snow fools the camera meter. I see a lot of winter photos with gray snow, which means the camera meter did exactly what it was designed to do. The solution is quite simple provided you know what to do.
How To Series: Winter Photography
In addition to all of the usual photographic challenges, winter provides some extra complications, especially in terms of metering. So I began this series of articles on winter photography. Check out the links below. The articles will help you meet the unique challenges of winter photography. So get out there, have fun, and create some great winter images!
Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Snow glistens in the last light of dusk.
Distant clouds glow with the fading light from the sun, long since set.
The Best Online Backup For Your Photos and Other Important Files

39% of Americans never backup their data. That’s not good. Another 19% do this only once per year. No wonder so many people lose important files and photos if they have a hard drive crash.
The Best Insurance for Your Photo Gear
Your camera falls down a mountainside or off a cliff. An unexpected rogue wave drenches your valuable photo gear in salt water. Your photo backpack is stolen from your home, motel room, or trunk of your car. To add insult to injury, you learn your homeowner’s insurance will not replace the value of your damaged or stolen gear.
Aspect Ratios and Choosing the “Best Fit” Print Sizes at Zenfolio
When photographers crop photos they can choose any aspect ratio (length vs width) that they want to suit their artistic purposes. If they are making their own prints that isn’t a problem.
My Favorite Online Camera Stores
How Long Will Your Photo Lab Prints Last Without Fading?
Would you rather have a high quality print that will last up to 50 years, or a print that will fade in 5 years? That’s not all. The print with a very short life expectancy might cost more than the better quality print. People buy short life span prints all the time. Why? Because they don’t have the right information, and they may have no idea that prints have such widely different life spans.
Thanksgiving in Haxtun
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tonight’s Supermoon, Jupiter and Jupiter’s Moons
With a nice clear sky I went out to photograph tonight’s supermoon. Then I pointed my lens at Jupiter.
Trunk or Treat, 2024
The local weekly newspaper asked me to send them a bunch of Trunk or Treat photos, so I did. These are my favorites. As it turned out, it was a much busier news week than usual, so only two of my photos made it into the paper. Every year Trunk or Treat is sponsored by the Enactus program at Graceland University here in Lamoni Iowa.
Be Careful Out There Tonight!
Happy Halloween!
7 Years Ago Today at Norman Rockwell’s Home
Thanks to Michelle and Kim at the Sugar Shack (see my prior post), I was in Norman Rockwell Heaven. I love Norman Rockwell. Before I stopped at the Sugar Shack I did not know Rockwell lived just a few miles away.
Lamoni Middle School Football
As usual, when I photograph an event for the weekly Lamoni Chronicle, I create a lot of images and select about 6 to 12 to send to the paper. The paper usually chooses from 2 to 6 to publish. On really rare occasions a dozen might get published. If it is a slow news week, more of my photos get published so I always hope for a slow news week. The photos in this article are my “selects” from the October 7, 2024 middle school football game between the Lamoni Demons (red helmets) and the Melcher-Dallas Saints.
Finding the Peak Fall Colors at the Best Locations
Fall color is sweeping the country. To make the most of it, you want to be at the right place at the right time. With some help from the internet, I will help you find the best fall color locations at the peak of the season.
The First Day of Fall!
23 Years Ago
The 20 Year Memorial, George W. Bush at Shanksville
Chip East Reflects on the Last Photos of His Friend, Bill Biggart, Taken on 9/11
Photographer Chip East was staring intensely at his laptop screen.
It was two weeks after two jetliners had plowed into the towers of the World Trade Center. His good friend, photojournalist Bill Biggart’s body had been recovered from the rubble. His personal effects, including his cameras had been released by authorities to his widow, Wendy.