Lyn Marie wanted to go out and shoot in the snow. So we did. This is one of my two most favorite photos for February 20 and one of my all time favorite winter “figure studies”.
Lyn Marie wanted to go out and shoot in the snow. So we did. This is one of my two most favorite photos for February 20 and one of my all time favorite winter “figure studies”.
Lyn Marie liked my portfolio so she made the trip from St. Louis Missouri to Ohio so we could work together. This is my favorite photo for February 18.
Don’t miss it. At noon today at Carol Hall in the Shaw Center (Graceland University), Julia Franklin will be talking about her remarkable art exhibit.
I have three favorite photos for today’s date. I have been photographing all these sisters since they were toddlers. If their faces look familiar, it is because they have been part of this series before.
A lot of Canada geese lived in our neighborhood in Columbus Ohio, thanks to several retention ponds. It was a regular thing for traffic to be stopped as geese crossed a neighborhood road. Sometimes it would be just a few geese and sometimes 15 or 20 or more.
At the time of this photo shoot, Ashley was an American model living in Italy. She was planning a short trip back to the states to visit family and we wanted to work together. So she squeezed a short trip to Columbus into her tight schedule. This is my favorite image for February 15.
Valentine’s Day fell on a Sunday in 2016, so we had a Valentine themed meal after church. This collage of images for that day is my favorite image for February 14.
It was a cold February day in Ohio, and I was out in the yard playing games with our oldest grandson. I love the read cap so I grabbed a camera to take a few pictures. This is not only my favorite photo for February 13, it is one of my all time favorite photos of Andrew.
The Christmas tree came down today. As much as I love having the tree up, it has to come down sooner or later.
Our Christmas tree is still up so I did some images of a few of our favorite ornaments.
If you have been following along this month, you can tell February is not my favorite photography month. In my favorite photo folder there are some dates for which I have only one photo, and some of them aren’t very exciting.
What kid doesn’t like making and hanging out in a blanket fort? I was at “Picking Up the Pieces, an art exhibit at Graceland University by Julia Franklin (story here). I crawled inside the blanket fort to take pictures.
We were having lunch at our favorite sandwich place in Leon Iowa. Thanks to the cold weather the window was covered with condensation, obscuring the view of the outside and making the logo on the window stand out.
Our grandson Finn was engrossed with a kid video on YouTube. As I walked by I grabbed a photo with my iPhone. This is my favorite photo for February 6.
Bill Cunningham is one of my favorite fashion photographers. He did a weekly fashion column for the New York Times, and a weekly video report from his photos taken on the streets of New York City.
Bill Cunningham is one of my favorite fashion photographers. He did a weekly fashion column for the New York Times, and a weekly video report from his photos taken on the streets of New York City.
Bill Cunningham is one of my favorite fashion photographers. He did a weekly fashion column for the New York Times, and a weekly video report from his photos taken on the streets of New York City.
I was at the Helene Center for the Visual Arts (Graceland University, Lamoni Iowa) documenting the latest art exhibit by Julia (Tucker) Franklin. At the exhibit you enter the rooms of her childhood home in Wichita Falls, Texas. Little by little the story is revealed. The brick in a desk drawer with the death threat. The police report. The suicide note in the clipboard on top of the desk.
The Christmas ornament on the left is one of my favorites. The lion, the lamb, and little child are based on Isaiah 11:6, a scripture that dozens of artists have brought to life in various ways.
Are you ready to take your nature and wildlife photography to the next level? Are you ready to learn the professional secrets that make the difference between good images and great images? Are you ready for a high intensity, action packed, total immersion photography weekend? Come to Park of the Pines on beautiful Lake Charlevoix June 7-10, 2019.
Here are my favorite photos for the month of January. The story behind this “favorite photos by date” project is here.
For this photo shoot we wanted something different than the usual portrait look. We wanted something more bold and dramatic. So I put the camera right on the floor in order to catch Ivory’s subtle reflection in the floor. This is my favorite image for January 30.
I was out for a walk with my grandson Terran, and he was about to cross this small, wooden bridge. I grabbed a quick photo with my camera. This is my favorite photo for January 21.
Good photographers are always looking for inspiration, and one of the things they do is to look at great photography by other photographers. Jay Maisel is one of the best and this video has dozens of his best images.
I had high hopes for the January 20-21 lunar eclipse. Unfortunately, January 20 was a cloudy day. A cloudy, overcast sky is not good for seeing, much less photographing a lunar eclipse.
“I have a dream that one day . . . little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in the United States. This is a 5 minute highlight from the end of the speech. A video of the whole 17 minute speech is here.
I was teaching a winter term photography class at Graceland University. We met every day and part of each day’s class session was devoted to doing one or more in class assignments.
We were in Michigan visiting our daughter, Janae. We stopped at Bronson Park just like enough for me to do a portrait. This is my favorite image for January 19.
Here in North America, Sunday night and early Monday, January 20-21, you have your last chance to photograph the last total lunar eclipse until 2021. This article will show you how. Continue reading