Yosemite National Park. Photo © 2006 OldBlueWebDesigns.com, All rights reserved. Used with the permission of OldBlueWebDesigns.com.

A friend sent me a link to “My Beautiful America” and I am passing it along here for your enjoyment. It is a “flash” slide show accompanied by meditative renditions of patriotic music. The images are framed in an outline of the United States. To give you an idea what the slide show is like, the reduced size screen capture above is part of the show. To enjoy the full size images, you can see the show here and see more of his movie clips at MyBeautifulAmerica.com.

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Fall MAple LEaves, Michigan's U.P. Photo copyright Jim Doty Jr.
Fall Maple Leaves, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Photo © Jim Doty Jr.

Time for a quiet celebration.

Some time during the day on Friday, March 7, 2008, someone viewed one of the pages at JimDoty.com, my primary photography web site. Unknown to them, that was the two millionth page visit since the site went online with a single marker page on November 8, 1999. On June 25, 2000 (the site’s “birthday”) the site was expanded from a marker page to 25 pages complete with photos. Today the site has over 400 pages.

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