Favorite Photo, August 7


It all started yesterday when I woke up wondering, “What is the best photo I have ever taken on August 6?”  So this morning I went looking for my best photo taken on August 7.

I went through my favorite photos folder (about 3400 photos, mostly taken since 1985), looking for photos taken on August 7. I found only two photos, both taken August 7, 2015. Both were taken with my iPhone.

At 11:19 am I captured a cicada emerging from its exoskeleton on a tree several houses down the street from where we live. The other photo, taken at 10:18 pm, was our dog Sunny settling down in my lap to take a nap. The photo of Sunny wins hands down as my best August 7 photo.

You can guess where this is going. What would I find if I picked out my best photo for every date of the year? I already know there are some dates in August for which I do not have a single photo in my favorites folder. It will be a challenge to pick a favorite in late September which is the time I go to Colorado to capture fall colors. There will be so many photos to pick from.

Stayed tuned to see where this all leads.


Series: Favorite Photos by Date

Best Photo: August 6 – The article that started this series.