Favorite Photo, August 18

Sunny at the bank.

Of the photos I have taken on August 18, two stand out as favorites and this one is my most favorite. I was at the drive through window at the bank. Sunny knows when the plastic canister comes back through the vacuum tube from the teller there will be a doggy treat inside. This is his moment of anticipation. One year ago, August 18, 2017.

Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. August 18, 2008. 080818_20D_224_2426. Canon 20D, 100-400mm lens at 400mm, aperture f/11, shutter 1/250 second, ISO 100.

My second place favorite image is one of my favorite wildlife images. I was at the Horseshoe Park Overlook at Rocky Mountain National Park. There is a rocky area where various critters hang out, hoping for handouts from tourists. It is a good place to photograph animals that are used to being around people. This Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel was standing on the rocks and looking around. I used a long lens (400mm) and medium aperture (f/11) to blur the background. Ten years ago, August 18, 2008.

If you are looking for great wildlife and scenic photo locations in “Rocky” this fall (or any other time of year), read my fall color travel and photography guide.


It is not good for them and their health. That should be reason enough.

It is also dangerous for you. Some of the animals in Rocky Mountain National Park carry bubonic plague. One day I saw a squirrel bite a girl on the finger. At her dad’s encouragement she was feeding the animals so he could take pictures. Right after I told the dad about bubonic plague, which still did not deter him in pursuit of his pictures, the squirrel bit her finger and drew a lot of blood.

Photo Data

Sunny: iPhone SE, 4.15mm lens (35mm equivalent: 29mm). f/2.2, 1/30 sec, ISO 32.

Squirrel: Canon 20D, Canon EF 100-400mm lens at 400mm. f/11, 1/250 sec, ISO 100.


Colorado Fall Color Travel and Photography Guide

Series: Favorite Photos by Date

How to Be A Better Wildlife and Nature Photographer