Favorite Photo, July 27

Grass splattered Marcia, Graceland University, Lamoni, Iowa. July 27, 2006.

I had a hard time picking my favorite photo for July 27. I finally decided on this image from “Spectacular”, an annual event for about 1,000 high school students from all around the world.

Marcia, mud slide, Graceland University, Lamoni, Iowa, July 27, 2006.

I was photographing a soccer match when I noticed a side activity going on. A water mister to keep the athletes cool had created enough mud for some soccer players to have an impromptu mud slide. I turned my camera just in time to capture Marcia hitting the mud, a fun photo in and of itself, and my second favorite photo for this date.

She rinsed the mud off under the mister, but some wet grass remained and I grabbed the portrait at the top of this article. It is the expression on her face, and the curling of her tongue that really makes the image.


Series: Favorite Photos by Date

Spectacular – “The mission of SPECTACULAR is to create a safe, Christ-centered community that encourages young women and men to discover God, their inherent worth, and cultivate and express their giftedness.”