Favorite Photo, February 16

Canada Geese crossing a road and stopping traffic,, Columbus Ohio. February 16, 2016.
Canada Geese, Columbus Ohio. February 16, 2016.

A lot of Canada geese lived in our neighborhood in Columbus Ohio, thanks to several retention ponds. It was a regular thing for traffic to be stopped as geese crossed a neighborhood road. Sometimes it would be just a few geese and sometimes 15 or 20 or more.

I would usually be behind a line of stopped cars when this occurred, but this time the geese were right in front of me. I grabbed a quick photo with my iPhone before the moment passed.

This is the only photo for February 16 in my “favorite photos” folder, so this is by definition my favorite photo for this date. I know, this is not a very exciting photo. February is just not a big photography month for me. Winter is my time to curl up with a good book.


Series: Favorite Photos by Date – all about this series