Favorite Photo, February 20

Lyn Marie
Lyn Marie, Ohio. February 20, 2008. Windchill 8°F.

Lyn Marie wanted to go out and shoot in the snow. So we did. This is one of my two most favorite photos for February 20 and one of my all time favorite winter “figure studies”.

Shooting when the windchill is 8 degrees means we needed to take all of the usual precautions for winter photography.

If this image looks familiar, it might be because Lyn Marie headlines one of the articles in my Winter Photography Series.

Horned Lark on a country road in Iowa. February 20, 2019.

My 7 year old grandson and I were out and about on a very cold, snowy day with binoculars for him and cameras for me. We were looking for whatever wildlife we might find. found a lot of birds out foraging for something to eat and dozens of Horned Larks had found some corn along a farm road. This one particular lark allowed me to creep up slowly with my car and capture this image out the car window. This is my grandson’s favorite image from our excursion. He wants me to print it and hang it on a wall. This is my other first place favorite image for this date.

Red-bellied Woodpecker, Iowa. February 20, 2019.

Red-bellied Woodpecker, Iowa. February 20, 2019.

We also found this woodpecker. This is my grandson second favorite photo from our excursion and it is my second place photo for this date.


Series: Favorite Photos by Date – all about this series

How to Photograph a Nude Model in the Cold and Snow

“How To” Series: Winter Photography – An Overview with article links