Another photo from my week in Haiti. I lined the sun up so it was right behind the heart of the palm tree. This is my favorite photo for April 16.

If you have been following this series, you will recognize this as another World Conference photo. I was drawn to the bright colors in the choir. This is my second favorite photo for this date.

The small dome at the top of the larger dome (technically called an “oculus”) is usually blue, but on this particular evening it was lit with red lights.

Jan Kraybill is a superb organist who performs on famous all across the country. She is also one of my friends.

Rachel is a long time friend, a fine photographer, and one of the official photographers for the World Conference in Independence. The thing I love about this photo is the bare feet. This is my third favorite photo for this date.

Another look at Rachel in action.
Series: Favorite Photos by Date – all about this series
Favorite Photo, April 11 – The Auditorium, Dome, Blue Oculus
Jan Kraybill – web site