It was Easter Sunday morning and this young woman was one of the people taking up the offering. The expression on her face and the bunny ears make the photo. She was new at this job, taking it very seriously, and determined not to accidentally drop the offering plate. This is my favorite photo for April 20.
The same morning, these young ladies (including the offering girl minus the ears) provided special music. These young ladies can sing! And O love the colors. A few years after this picture was taken the older ones are singing solos at junior high and high school music performances. This is my second favorite photo for this date.
April and May (and June sales) mean multiple trips to various garden centers to pick out flowers. Our favorite place is the Oakland Nursery location on Oakland Road, but we do check out other places. Sometimes I take out my iPhone and grab some pictures. This is my third place favorite photo for April 20.
Series: Favorite Photos by Date – all about this series