We hit it off great from our very first photo shoot. She in college and majoring in business . We wanted to create some beautiful images. This is one of my most favorite photos for this date and it is one of her favorite images too.
We have worked together on several more occasions and you have seen her images before.

Right out of college Kristina landed a nice job in the business arena in New York City. It didn’t take long for her to be discovered. She is now a professional actor and model in Los Angeles.

I was driving along a country road in far northern Michigan when a flash of yellow caught my eye. I stopped, turned around, and went back more slowly for a second look. This was my very first time to see a Yellow Ladyslipper in the wild. I carefully set up my tripod and photo gear to capture the best image possible. This is my other most favorite image for this date.
Series: Favorite Photos by Date – all about this series
Favorite Photo, January 7 – more images of Kristina