Favorite Photo, June 5

Jan Kraybill, The Auditorium, Independence, Missouri
Jan Kraybill, Independence, Missouri. June 5, 2005

Jan Kraybill is an exceptionally fine organist who performs all over the world. She is also a friend of mine and she happens to ride a Harley for fun. How can you not like a bike riding organist?

On this particular occasion she was playing the organ in The Auditorium for a World Conference of the Community of Christ. I wanted an up close and personal photo. My wide angle lens is just inches from the keyboard. This is one of my two most favorite images for this date. Jan must like this photo too. It is currently on the bio page of her web site.

The Auditorium, Independence Missouri
Conference Chamber, The Auditorium, Independence Missouri. June 5, 2016.

This is the room where Jan was playing in the top photo. The date is the same but these photos were taken 11 years apart. I have always loved this room and its round, sweeping, spaciousness. It seats nearly 5,800, not quite one seat for each of the 6,000 plus pipes in the organ. This is my other favorite photo for this date.


Series: Favorite Photos by Date – all about this series

Jan Kraybill, biography

Jan Kraybill – the top of the BIO page