I was photographing baby sparrows being fed in a bird house. The depth of field (DOF) was really shallow and I was curious how shallow.
I pulled out my iPhone and opened Simple DOF (my favorite DOF app) to check out the actual depth of field. I was less than 2 inches.
This information made no difference in my shooting. I was just curious.
I usually use Simple DOF to check the hyperfocal distance when I am shooting landscapes, and then it matters a lot what my choices are. When I need a lot of near-to-far depth of field, the choice of focal length and aperture matters a lot.
One of the great things about the Simple DOF app is you can choose the Circle of Confusion value you need for the camera sensor size you are using, and the size print you want to make.
If this is all new to you, the articles linked below will help.
Favorite Photo, June 15 – Baby sparrows being fed
Depth of Field and Hyperfocal Distance App for iPhones and iPads
Controlling Depth of Field with 35mm Film and Full Frame Digital Cameras
Hyperfocal Distance Chart for 35mm Film and Full Frame Digital Cameras
Controlling Depth of Field with Digital SLRs with a Field of View (FOV) Crop
Hyperfocal Distance Chart for Digital SLRs with a FOV Crop