My wife spotted this metaphid jumping spider at a garden center. It kept jumping on to her whenever she got close to look at it. I tried to photograph it but it kept jumping onto my iPhone, or my hand. Besides, my phone minus a closeup adapter could not handle the task at hand.

I finally decided to take it home. I rinsed out and dried a plastic cup, put the spider inside, and took it home with the flowers we bought. Once home I posed it in our garden.

I put a 1x to 5x magnification macro lens on my camera and a ring lite on the lens. Every time I got close enough to photograph the spider it jumped on to the ring lite. I finally managed to get the photo I wanted (top of this article). This is one of my two most favorite images for this date.

It rained all day in Mt. Rainier National Park. An interesting sunset shot seemed less and less likely. At the last minute the clouds parted just enough to allow the last light of the setting sun to kiss the top of Mt. Rainier. This is my other most favorite photo for this date. Like most national parks, Mt. Rainier National Park is a great place to take pictures.
Series: Favorite Photos by Date – all about this series