There was a power outage in our part of town, so it was a perfect night to do moonlit photos without the intrusion of city lights. The three lights in the yard run on batteries that are charged by small solar panels during the day. The remarkable thing about this photo is how little our dog Sunny moved during the 30 second exposure. He was patiently waiting for me to finish what I was doing so we could get on with our night walk. This is my favorite photo for this date.
I was using one of my standard night sky exposure settings. The sky it still pretty light thanks to lights that are still on in other parts of the city.
This is one of my favorite lighthouse images. I was using “jewel box lighting” which is late enough that the lights are on, but still early enough in the evening to get some blue in the sky. It is one of my favorite times of day. This is my second favorite image for June 29.
Photo data, moonlit scene: Canon 5D. Canon 17-40mm lens at 17mm. f/4, 30 seconds, ISO 100.
Series: Favorite Photos by Date – all about this series