Today and tomorrow (Saturday and Sunday, September 14 & 15) are the last two days to see the fabulous Claude Monet exhibit at the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth Texas. Over 50 of the best Monet paintings were collected from art museums all around the world. Museums in Paris, Tokyo, Switzerland, the United States, and other countries sent their best late period Monet works for this exhibit. This particular collection of paintings will not be shown again in the United States.
The audio recordings are well done. Not too much and not to little. When you see a number next to a painting or group of paintings, just enter the number on your hand held listening device. This is great because you can view paintings out of order. If it is really busy in one area, go to another area, watch and listen, then go back to the first area when it isn’t so busy and watch and listen.

Monet’s brush work. A closeup view of a flower from the painting at the top of this page. This is the flower closest to my daughter’s left shoulder. Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth Texas.
If you are a photographer, this is important. The world’s best photographers study great paintings. It makes them better photographers.
If you are an artist, I don’t need to tell you how important opportunities like this are.
Most people who go to events like this aren’t photographers or artists. They have just learned great art feeds the human soul. So go!
If you are in Texas, call to reserve tickets now and go! If you can get to Texas, go see this exhibit.
If you miss this exhibit, another exhibit of different Monet paintings will be exhibited at the Denver Art Museum beginning October 21.
Kimbell Art Museum – Fort Worth Texas
Monet in Denver – beginning October 21, 2019