Sometimes You Get Lucky

Greater White-fronted Goose and Canada Goose.

I was at one of my favorite local lakes and hundred of geese had shown up. Some of them were in the process of leaving the lake. By the end of the afternoon all but a few geese had left the lake. Some left a few at a time and others left in larger groups.

It was my good fortune that a Greater White-fronted Goose and a Canada Goose left at the same time and flew away. This tight image of the two geese side by side with matching wing positions is my favorite for the day.

Greater White-fronted Geese and Canada Geese.

That doesn’t mean I don’t like the images where larger groups left the lake. I took a lot of photos every time more geese left the lake. Back at home I went through the photos and looked for the most pleasing arrangements of geese as they left the lake.