The Green Towel

Soleece with the green towel at Slip Bluff Lake. May 16, 2024.

If you are a nature, landscape, or outdoor portrait photographer it is a good idea to keep a towel in your car. This green towel lives in the back of my car.  Sometimes I need it if I get caught in the rain or when I wade out into a lake or stream to get a better camera angle.  Sometimes I drape it over my camera (and me) to protect the camera when I shoot in a light drizzle.

Soleece, Slip Bluff Lake.

The green towel also comes in handy when I am doing a photo shoot with a model at a lake, stream, or waterfall.

Camera location for photo of Mount Rundle and Two Jack Lake.

Two tripod legs in Two Jack Lake

I also use it to dry off my tripod legs if they get wet. Sometimes I have my tripod out in a lake or stream to get the best possible camera angle. You should always dry off the tripod legs before you retract them.

Two Jack Lake and Mt. Rundle

I needed to get the tripod legs in the water to place the small island where I wanted it at the far right in relation to Mt. Rundle.

Ellie-Marie at Hayden Falls

Apparently the green towel also comes in handy when someone is clowning around.

Ellie-Marie, Waterfall

Ellie-Marie, Hayden Falls

Yes we did do serious photography at the waterfall. Note the compositional technique of parallel diagonal lines.

Sativa, Hayden Falls

I don’t know how long I have had this towel in my car, but this photo of Sativa is dated June 29, 2007, so about 17 years or maybe even longer.