Visiting Classic Photo Locations

Google image search. Just a few of the hundreds of results.

Yesterday I wrote: “There are all kinds of photographers who like to plant their tripods where other photographers have taken famous pictures, like hundreds of photographers who have recreated Ansel Adams’ classic image of the Grand Tetons and Snake River.” I was confident that was not an exaggeration. But I decided to look.

I did a Google image search for “snake river and tetons” (image above). I started listing the photographers who have taken photos at Ansel Adams’ iconic location. I stopped at 36 names and decided to just count photos instead. I found 206 photos taken at the classic overlook and a whole lot more that were taken in the general Grand Teton area. Many of the images I found were by professional photographers with online web sites. There is no telling how many amateur photographers have stopped at the overlook and snapped pictures that didn’t end up on a web site.

Some of my favorite photo location guides.

Some of my favorite photo location guides.

Going to famous photo locations is a big deal. There is no telling how many articles have been written on the best places to go to take pictures. Dozens of guide books have been written. The best of them not only tell you where to go, they tell you the best season of the year, the best time of day, and they even provide photo tips to get the best image.

I recommend my favorites in this article.


The Best Scenic Photo Location Guides