Photos: Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Every year, a highlight of the Christmas season in Lamoni Iowa is the dance recital put on by the students at Living Art Studios. They were again joined this year by the award winning Graceland Gadets. If you want to order prints go to the links below. Click any of these images to see a larger version.

Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Catharine Craig Doty, the creative director and artistic spirit behind Living Art Studios.

Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Graceland Gadets, Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Graceland Gadets, Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Curtain Call, Living Art Studios Dance Recital


If you want to order prints of any of these photos, go to my Zenfolio site. These dance recital images are in the upper left gallery along with some concert photos.

You will need to pick a print size that matches the aspect ratio of the image. This article shows you how to do that.

Lamoni Iowa Christmas Series

Photos: Lamoni Schools Christmas Concert

Photos: Living Art Studios Dance Recital

Photos: Graceland University Christmas Concerts