Graceland University in Lamoni Iowa did two Christmas concerts. The first was a more formal concert in the Shaw Center auditorium with the Graceland Concert Choir and the Graceland Symphonic Band. Two nights later there was a more casual, laid back concert in the Shaw Center lobby with the Graceland Jazz Ensemble and Graceland Harmonium, a smaller vocal group. Cookies, hot chocolate, coffee, and water were served. The cookie stuffed crowd was invited to sing along with Harmonium on the Christmas carols. Click any of these images to see a larger version.
If you want to order prints of any of these photos, go to my Zenfolio site. These Graceland concert images are currently in the upper left gallery along with photos from the Lamoni school district Christmas concert and the Living Art Studios Dance Recital.
You will need to pick a print size that matches the aspect ratio of the image you want. This article shows you how to do that.
Lamoni Iowa Christmas Series
Photos: Lamoni Schools Christmas Concert
Photos: Living Art Studios Dance Recital
Photos: Graceland University Christmas Concerts