RAW vs JPEG Exposure Latitude

JPEG and RAW Files, both overexposed by two stops and corrected in Photoshop

JPEG and RAW Files, both overexposed by two stops and both corrected in Photoshop

RAW files have a number of advantages over JPEG files, one of them being the significant advantage in exposure latitude. You can prove this for yourself by doing a simple exposure test and learn your own camera’s exposure latitude.

Exposure latitude is how far you can be over or under the optimum (ideal) exposure and still get a great image after you correct the image in your favorite image editing software. To do the test, read The RAW vs JPEG Exposure Advantage. This is one of a series of articles on exposure that begins here. To get the best colors your camera is capable of producing, read The Best Colors Come from the Best Exposures and How To Test Your Camera’s Color Exposure Latitude.

The RAW and JPEG files at the top of this article were both overexposed by two stops and then corrected in Photoshop. The JPEG file is starting to fall apart with banding and pixelization. You will see detailed examples in the RAW vs JPEG article.


The RAW vs JPEG Exposure Advantage

Why Is Exposure So Important?

The Best Colors Come from the Best Exposures

How To Test Your Camera’s Color Exposure Latitude

My most complete guide to exposure is in my highly recommend book, Digital Photography Exposure for Dummies. It has 5 stars at Amazon.com and it is one of Amazon’s highest rated photography books. It is simple enough for beginners, but detailed enough for advanced photographers. You can learn more about it here and order it at Amazon.com.