News outlets today are reporting that a serious security flaw in Internet Explorer (versions IE5 through IE8) makes it possible for hackers to steal the online passwords that you use on the internet.  Virtually all security experts are urging users of Internet Explorer are urged to use a different web browser. Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari are recommended as alternatives. Please read the whole story here.

Microsoft “cannot recommend people switch due to this one flaw”, but don’t let this questionable statement deter you from protecting yourself while you are online. Believe the independent experts, not the company that is worried about losing you to competitive software (that also happens to be free).

In a recent post I reported on a study that showed that Firefox is safer than Interent Explorer. In 2006, Internet Explorer users were are risk a whopping 78% of the time while Firefox users were at risk only 2% of the time. Read more here.

For several years now I have been using and recommending Firefox because it is quicker, better, and safer than Internet Explorer. If you haven’t switched, do so now and don’t switch back until Microsoft get’s their act together.

You can find Firefox at the Mozilla website and Opera here.