So what happens when the SEATTLE PI photographers pick their best photos for the year? You get to see a great selection of photos.

If you like to take pictures, why not pick a portfolio of your ten best photos for the last year? It would be a good exercise in editing. I hope you have so many good photos that it is hard to cut it down to just ten. All the more reason to do the exercise.

Honing down a large group of photos into one carefully selected portfolio is something all photographers would benefit from doing every once and a while. You may want to pick a theme that gives your portfolio some coherence like family or nature or travel or cityscapes or a particular color. Pick a theme that resonates with your photographic interests. Pick the top 30 photos that match your theme, print them out, look them over, and then pick your top 10. Now show your top 30 to some friends and see which 10 they pick. Why not post your portfolio online? There are lots of free or inexpensive photo sharing sites on the interent where you can post your photos and share them with friends.